Julia & the Empty Lot (Puste miejsca)

4th August at 7 pm on the Stara Apteka Stage, the play „Julia & the Empty Lot" directed by Lena Frankiewicz will be staged with English subtitles. 

This is a fantastic opportunity for foreigners and all theater lovers who would like to enjoy these outstanding performances without language barriers.

Julia and Paul are expecting a baby. However, from the very beginning, the pregnancy does not go well. As a result of further complications, the protagonist is forced to face a decision that leaves a lasting imprint on her psyche. Julia, constantly dwelling on the past, is no longer capable of experiencing the present. However, there is someone who, using tools that intersect theatre and therapy, will attempt to heal her. 

This contemporary Catalan play is about coming out of a sense of meaninglessness, and accepting loss, which, when repressed, can leave one stuck in the past, while, when tamed and integrated, enables one to emerge from empty places towards life in all its colours and manifestations.

 “It’s one of those shows that you watch with a clenched throat.”
Łukasz Rudziński, Trójmiasto.pl

director Lena Frankiewicz

duration 1 hour 50 minutes (no interval)